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5 ways to market your subscription services

Subscription companies should utilize different forms of marketing.

Once subscription service retailers have found their niche, it's time to get the word out about their offerings. This can be one of the more challenging elements of the business. There's a fine line between too much and too little outreach. To find success with their operation, subscription companies need to devise marketing strategies that truly work with their consumers. Here are 5 examples:

1. Utilize social media
Today, 69 percent of Americans use some type of social media, according to the Pew Research Center. With so many people fully vested in these platforms, it would be wise for subscription businesses to direct their marketing efforts there. But a one-size-fits-all approach may not be the best choice. Instead, companies need to evaluate their social marketing plans and tweak them for success on each platform, according to Social Media Examiner.

2. Offer real value
Although messaging is crucial, providing a product or service that is of real value to consumers is even more vital. If the item is something worth sharing, the marketing will create itself. When subscription companies are proud of their offerings, clients will be, too, leading to more discussion around the brand as a whole, according to Entrepreneur.

Subscription organizations should focus on two simple messages when promoting their products and services: How easy the service is to use and what benefits it has for the user. Clearly defining these points for consumers will make the offerings that much more attractive.

"What makes your services stand out?"

3. Focus on what's unique
What makes a particular subscription business stand out among its competitors? Is it stellar recommendations from friends and family? Efficient and effective fulfillment? No matter what the answer is, companies should be sure to highlight those elements in their marketing efforts. Demonstrating why people are not only satisfied with their purchase but loyal to the brand will entice others to take a leap and do the same.

4. Be innovative
This tip goes hand-in-hand with the call for uniqueness: be creative. While it's smart to check in to see what other brands are doing, subscription companies shouldn't copy their competition, according to Marketing Donut. Instead, organizations should look for things that aren't working and attempt to fix them. The ability to be innovative in the industry will make customers more interested in a business's offerings.

Having a strong sense of identity will make subscription operations feel more authentic to their consumer base. This genuine nature, paired with the ability to deliver on promises, makes brands more credible.

5. Use clean data
All of these suggestions are worthless if subscription retailers don't have access to accurate and updated client information. Marketing relies on valid names, addresses and phone numbers to communicate with people effectively. If companies haven't maintained their consumer materials, the future of the brand could be in serious trouble. Luckily, SFG offers data management services designed to avoid this problem. Not only can SFG cleanse current lists, the company is able to merge and purge information as well as process and segment information to subscription retailer's liking.

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