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The advantages of a timed access model

A timed access model only gives online customers a brief period in which to view certain materials.

eCommerce retailers have a wide variety of technology tools on their side these days. Each exists for its own purpose, but aims to enhance the customer experience as an added benefit. It’s important for online companies to remain updated on these new and improved applications as they’re released. One such instrument that web-based organizations should utilize is a timed access model, which enables consumers to use certain capabilities of the site – such as online subscriptions and articles – for a fixed period.

Here are just a couple of the advantages that come with this technology tool:

Improved customer interest

What’s behind a timed access model? For many online companies, it’s resources that clients can use to their advantage – either to become more knowledgeable on a subject or learn more about a product or service.

By putting items like articles behind this tool, ecommerce companies are attempting to pique people’s interest. Consumers will likely believe the materials behind the timed access model are relevant to their needs and wants and will be beneficial to them in the long run. This kind of application will give customers a specific amount of access, whether it’s five free articles or the ability to log in a certain number of times in a month before having to purchase a subscription.

“Materials using a timed access model should be relevant to clients.”

Enhanced consumer buy-in

Once clients purchase access to an ecommere business’s site and the assets behind the timed access model, it’s important for those materials to be worth their while. If they aren’t, many consumers will end their subscription after their time period is complete – or even prematurely. Online companies need to create content that is relevant to their audience before making people pay extra to view it.

When that additional information is deemed valuable by customers, the chance of them continuing to purchase access will increase. This leads to improved consumer satisfaction, loyalty and happiness as well as higher profits for organizations themselves. With this buy-in already established, online retailers can market more products and services that people may enjoy based on their preferences.

Access management

A timed access model not only yields helpful sales information for online companies, but handles the entire process itself. Once the business establishes its constraints, the tool will ensure those who haven’t purchased the materials can’t access them without entering payment information. Additionally, it will monitor the number of times those with entry credentials don’t overuse their privilege.

It’s in an ecommerce company’s best interest to not only improve sales, but create opportunities for consumers to learn more about available products and services. A timed access model gives online retailers the chance to enhance customer buy-in, while also increasing overall loyalty and satisfaction.  SFG offers ecommerce tools, like this one, to ensure your online operation is a success.

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