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SFG uses data to find new mailing segments

July 2017

by SFG

SFG can help clients open new mailing segments to increase more targeted and accurate direct mailing.

Large health-focused membership and publishing organization.

Enhanced merge/purge and data matching/segmentation processing to allow for more targeted and accurate direct mailing.

The objective with this client was to use existing data available to provide a larger number of targeted mailing segments within the client’s own mailing lists.

Using an enhanced surname matching algorithm, SFG was able to open new mailing segments based on name/address match. The prior solution this client was using was built solely on address-only matching/resident merge. Because of this, many household addresses were being suppressed from promotion based on prior mailing preferences and/or poor promotion response.

With the SFG proposed solution of moving this client’s list selection and data segmentation processes into a more
enhanced surname matching suppression utility, the client was able to open a whole new group of people that had been suppressed for years. To test SFG’s proposed solution, an A/B mailing split was conducted. Package “A” included records that normally would have been dropped because of matching to suppress files at the address level.

Evaluation Criteria:
•   Increased promotional response rates
•   Increase in mailing quantities using same data sets as prior mailings
•   Decreased total suppression counts
•   New segmentation options for future mailings

As mentioned above, immediate mailing results from using SFG’s enhanced surname matching list selection and segmentation processing services were extremely positive over prior mailings. The client realized greater mailing potential using their own mailing lists used on prior mailings. In addition to an increase in customer mailing options and a decrease in suppressed counts, the client was able to recognize a lift in response rates. The test package “A” performed almost three times better than the control group, solidifying the value of SFG’s enhanced merge/purge and data matching/segmentation services.

> Mailed to an additional 2% of names (roughly 50k records – based on overall mailing quantity) in package “A” that would have previously been dropped

>  Kept roughly 10% of total records from the suppressed counts

>  Package “A” received a total response rate of 9.87% vs. the 3.67% combined average response of the control group

While the increased response rate is expected to slightly flatten over time, it is crucial to note that using SFG’s enhanced merge/purge services, the client was able to unlock a previously untapped mailing segment using their own data.

SFG offers a robust set of enhanced merge/purge and data matching/segmentation services that can be used for direct mailings, email promotions, model creation, etc. This case proves that through using the right set of tools and services, greater accuracy and efficiency can be achieved in creating promotional mailing campaigns.

Ultimately, SFG’s client was able to realize an increase in response through greater target marketing using existing data available. SFG supported the client in unlocking new mailing segment potential that resulted in almost immediate conversion from prospect to customer.